Bookable Appointments
Bookable appointments are available for both nurse and healthcare assistants every weekday morning and afternoon. These appointments can be used for dressings, well-person checks, blood pressure checks and suture removal. The nurses are also able to provide advice for a range of ailments, the receptionist will be able to advise you if a nurse appointment is appropriate.
Disease Management Clinics
We offer clinics for patients with Asthma, Chronic Lung Disease, Diabetes, Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure. These are with the Practice Nurses by prior appointment.
Weight Management
Our Healthcare Assistant offers advice and monitoring to help you manage your weight. Please drop in or ring to make an appointment.
Well Person Checks
Any patient can request a Well Person Check with our Healthcare Assistant. This will comprise a Blood Pressure check, weight and height measurement and calculation of your Body Mass Index along with general health and lifestyle advice. Where appropriate further tests such as cholesterol and diabetes screening may be arranged.
Exercise on prescription, smoking cessation, alcohol counselling and weight management can be arranged if needed.
Family Planning
We offer a comprehensive range of Family Planning services including contraceptive pill advice/initiation and referral for vasectomy and sterilisation if appropriate Please see the Practice Nurses or GPs to discuss your options in detail. Family planning advice is also available from the local Family Planning Clinics – click here for details.
Sexual Health
For information regarding sexual health please visit The Sexual Health Hub
You can also contact the service on 03003301122.